RX 85 is a crystalline compound treated with AIRICIDE, made primarily to deodorize carpets and to freshen the air around them. It is packaged in convenient shaker cans, so use it also to sprinkle in cigarette urns, under the cushions of upholstered furniture, etc. RX 85 works immediately, and because it contains AIRICIDE Odor Counteractant, it's not just a perfume, you use less and it has staying power for days. It is truly a commercial institutional grade product, and it safeguards expensive commercial vacuum equipment. It contains no baking soda or cornstarch (as in household products) that can infiltrate and damage the bearings and other mechanical or electrical parts of expensive vacuum cleaners. RX 60 is a multi-purpose, broad spectrum water soluble counteractant many times the concentration of ordinary deodorizers, thus effective against stronger, more disagreeable odors for longer residual action.