Pet and Vet Cleaning Products

Pet and Vet Cleaning Products

Pet odors and germs are hard to deal with. Clean, disinfect and control odors with Airx pathogen and odor control products. The same products the professionals use! has a variety of disinfecting products with various kill claims so you can be sure you are meeting all standards and codes.


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  • Spray-N-Go Mini

    Spray-N-Go Mini

    The SNG Mini holds 1.5 liters or 50 ounces of product and is small and easy to use. If you are a traveling sports team take the SNG with you to disinfectant the locker room area you will be using. It is fitted with the fine spray tip since the dwell...
  • Airx Pathogen Compliance Center Outside (Small Image) Airx Pathogen Compliance Center Outside (Large Image)

    Airx Pathogen Compliance Center

    Airx Labs

    You could be subject to a penalty of up to $7000, for even the first offense, if you do not have the proper equipment and supplies for clean up of blood or *Other Potential Infectious Material, or if you do not do the job properly. Everything needed is...